Blue Tears
An immersive film about bioluminescence

Blue Tears (IN PROGRESS)
The Blue Tears phenomenon is a rare biological happening. Unlike the average tourist attraction, Blue Tears is just as much science as it is sensorial magic-- relying on a set of environmental conditions to exist, and a bit of luck to be seen.

The Experience
“The Blue Tears cinematic installation experience takes place in a dimly lit room with a low ambient music score. As viewers approach, they realize the space is scattered with traditional Matsu Island boats. Friends and lovers climb inside. As they become settled, the room becomes illuminated with a blue glow. The walls slowly disappear, revealing projections of a stunning view of Blue Tears at a massive scale.

Viewers are transported on an immersive journey through bioluminescence in the comfort of a wooden boat. As the music reaches a crescendo, there is a low rumble of thunder and drops of digital rain start falling on the ground around the viewers.

The floor becomes covered in a projected ocean. As each drop hits the floor, it ripples a ring of blue light. Much to the wonder of the boat-riders, the floor becomes filled with dazzling sea sparkles. The screens dim and viewers are left in the dark with the sea a-glow around them.”

The Installation
With a modular screen set-up of 2-4 translucent projection screens and interactive floor, the Blue Tears experience brings viewers through an immersive journey through the bioluminescent phenomenon of Matsu, Taiwan.

The Site
The installation was originally intended for a new Ecology Center being built in Matsu. Because the bioluminescence is only visible in the summertime, the tourism bureau thought it would be great to have an immersive installation available to entice visitors.

The Filming
Instead of creating the glow using CG, I thought it was more apt if we can get footage of the actual experience to create a film-based experience. According to locals, no one had successfully filmed the Blue Tears in high definition until now.

The Filming
Over the course of 15 days, we chased the Blue Tears nonstop. Finding them was not easy, but with the help from the locals, we were able to capture enough footage for a cinematic installation. Unfortunately, the Ecology Center project lost funding– thus, the installation remains without a home.


Cinematography by:
Steve Dabal
Jesse Sperling
Directed by:
Yo-Yo Lin